Engagement with impact. Pragmatic insights.
Book Mark to speak at your event. Insightful keynotes and workshops with pragmatic takeaways that can be implemented immediately.
Mark delivers practical and engaging presentations at conferences and corporate events on topics such as: Customer Centric Business, Performance Measurement (using PuMP®), Profit by Design, Customer Engagement, Change Management, Selling (B2C and B2B), Leading Sales Teams, CRM, Coaching for Performance, Evidence Based Leadership, Leveraging Net Promoter Score. Mark has delivered workshops and presentations around Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Download the brochure on one of the topics Mark has spoken on recently, or contact him about a tailoring something for your event.
Are your customers profitable promoters of what you do..?
Our customers have changed in how they buy and how they provide word of mouth. We need a method to align the key business activities for customer engagement and a two-way exchange of value.
Profit by Design looks at how we can build a sustainable business in this age and economy, by focusing on your customer portfolio. By creating a customer portfolio of profitable promoters. Developing a meaningful Customer Strategy is where to start (this can also inform your Customer Experience efforts). Start with the 2-hour interactive session or a deep dive 2-day workshop. The key is to get started! These sessions can be delivered online or in person.Read more about Profit by Design in this blog article:
Profit by design – build your business for the experience economy.Leverage from the five tenets of the customer centric approach to business, for improved profitability and engagement.
Apply the Nine Imperatives for Leaders
Today, we all know that being customer-centric delivers business benefits, but most organisations that attempt to realise these benefits fail, or at best struggle to implement. The key insight is to change our approach. Bolting customer-centricity onto organisations designed for the last century does not deliver the goods. Understanding the principles behind customer centricity in the Five Tenets, and then applying the corresponding Nine Imperatives for leaders will align the organisation around being a Customer Centric Business.Learn more about this approach, in this blog article:
The New Path to Profitability and EngagementEvidence-based Leadership
How to master and inspire the habits of the high-performance organisation
Is your strategy improving your organisation’s performance, and can you prove it..? Half-day program on the three habits evidence based leaders use to inspire decision, action and learning within their organisations. It's not about how to lead, it's about what to lead for maximum impact. Following by a two day program for leaders to determine the strategic layer of results, and then design the measures for those results. Prioritisation and target setting to determine the strategic KPIS.What KPI Methodology are you using..?
PuMP is used all over the world for performance measurement that drives continuous improvement.
The performance measurement process (PuMP® developed by Stacey Barr) was deliberately designed to have necessary and comprehensive steps to be a complete KPI methodology. As a keynote, Mark often talks on "How to make your KPIs meaningful", that shares key insights into our struggles with KPIs and practical tips on how to use your measures to reach your goals.Read more about how to make your KPIs meaningful in this blog article:
How to make your KPIs meaningful.Customers have changed how they behave
Sales practice needs a reboot to ensure it is aligned with customers in this experience economy.
Customers have changed how they behave and how they buy. The sales goal today is not so much about closing deals, but to open relationships with profitable promoters of what we do. There are eight misleading and traditional ideas in sales that set us off on the wrong path, recognising these problems allows us to get the practice of sales congruent with how customers buy.Learn more about a recent speaking engagement on sales in this blog article:
Personal Selling and Leading Sales Teams – August 2017Customer Relationship Management
Is more than a system, it is a customer centred business strategy that is enabled by technology.
With nearly two decades of experience with CRM (starting with Suncorp) and consulting with numerous and various organisations, Mark brings an understanding of makes CRM work for your business. Mark was asked by the Graduate School of Business at QUT in Brisbane to develop a CRM course, which he taught for eight years. Pragmatic experience backed with academic rigor.Get the results you are striving for
Productive and engaged sales teams, engaged customers.
After many years leading sales teams, Mark was asked by the Graduate School of Business at QUT in Brisbane to develop a course in Sales Management. Mark delivered this course to MBA students for eight years whilst consulting during the day. As a keynote Mark shares pragmatic insights for sales leaders and those aspiring to lead sales teams, on how to develop a productive and engaged sales team that resonates with your customers.