Our customers have changed,
the economy has changed
Let's get our business practice up to date.
It's all about building organisations that are relevant for our customers. Businesses where our teams are engaged in improving performance and our customers are profitable promoters of the value we deliver.
"...when the world changes, the rules change. And if you insist on playing today's game by yesterday's rules, you're stuck. Stuck with a stupid strategy. Because the world has changed."
Seth Godin, in"Tribes"

About the approach
Whether you are working in a business or on a business, you probably already know this - things have changed a lot in the last 10 to 15 years.
Not just going digital and all the technology, but the economy has changed to an experience economy. People are now more empowered than ever in the history of human civilisation. These changes mean that most businesses are struggling with truly engaging with their customers and employees, strategy choices seems harder, it seems more difficult to get a handle on performance... Organisations of all shapes and sizes need to adapt. So, how do we do this..? We could turn to traditional management wisdom, but all that stuff was proven in a different era, most of it is not relevant today.
This website is designed for you. Absorb all the resources available. There is information to guide leaders on how to build more resilience, engage employees, and attract customers that are promoters to raise profit, if that is a priority for you.
Collaborating with people, to improve their results
Collaborating with people, to improve their results
For this age and economy we need new ways of thinking about how we improve performance, how we engage customers and how we empower teams.
Are you trying to develop a culture that is focused on continually improving..? Are you frustrated with always achieving your KPIs but not really progressing towards your goals..? If so, it is probably how you are using your KPIs that is keeping you from your goals.
The benefits of customer centricity have been well researched and documented (for example by Harvard Professor Ranjay Gulati and Forrester Research), but you do not become customer centric by bolting it onto your old approach.
Sales leaders often recruit ‘good sales people’ and let them loose on their customers, without really considering all the other elements required that creates an environment where people can excel.
The goal for sales today is not to close a deal, but to open a relationship with customers who are profitable promoters.
Putting in a operational CRM system to support your customer facing teams always seems like a good idea. However, as most organisations have discovered, it’s a lot harder than it appears.
Determine the optimal way to move you towards your goals.
There are specific workshops we can use to build your internal skills and capability in key areas. Alternatively, we can design the workshop to get the key content across, allowing people to engage and practice new tools and techniques.
Insightful keynotes and workshops with pragmatic takeaways that can be implemented immediately. Book Mark to speak at your event.
Consulting engagements are tailored to meet the goals and results you are aiming for. Whether you are diagnosing problems or implementing solutions, experience matters.
Coaching & Mentoring
Building the skills and capability of people delivers sustainable performance improvements. Leveraging from experience, expertise and specialisation of another is a proven way to grow capability.
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