Fairfax Media is a 185 year old newspaper company, that over the last 6 (or so) years has transformed itself into diversified media business. So as well as The Age, the AFR and Sydney Morning Herald, now also think of Domain, Stan and RSVP, amongst others. Greg Hywood is the CEO and Managing Director of Fairfax Media. Greg presented at the […]
READ MORECoaching for Performance.
“Performance management” brings very unpleasant experiences and consequences for managers, team leaders and team members. Coaching for performance is the new model. The current practice of the annual or six-monthly review is coming to an end. Replacing it with coaching for performance will bring genuine human relationships based on trust back to the workplace. […]
READ MOREWe need those people to buy-in..!
We often use the term buy-in as an idea that is about selling ideas to people, employees that need to engage with a strategy or idea. However the more we try to get people to buy-in, the less they will. Resistance increases the more we push. We need to create environments where people can […]
READ MORECustomer-centricity the number one issue for Australian CEOs..?
The Australian Institute of Management identified the key issue for Aussie CEOs in 2015 as “customer relationships”. CEOs have recognised that customer-centricity is a key issue for the future of their organisations. The research identified that CEOs were “kept awake” by “big data analytics, cyber security and the cloud”. Quoting the article, “Dr Malcolm Johnson […]
READ MOREBreak down the silos…
“Break down the silos” . This is a term we all have heard, and many of us have said it. Why is it that we hear it so often..? Most change efforts see silos as one of the biggest challenges..? Why is it that we all know we need to collaborate more, but those darned silos. […]
READ MOREEmbedding Change and Cellular Renewal
Change management methods and practice often focus on the preparation and changing phases. This is often seen as the exciting parts. The planning and doing of the change effort. However, no change effort is complete until it is embedded into everyday work practice and habit. Embedding change often takes three months. There is an uncanny […]