High performing teams gain performance improvement. They plan, act, learn and replan to realise performance improvement. They have a culture of learning, supported by having a performance measurement framework that provides feedback. Iterative and progressive improvement is achieved over many cycles of acting, measuring and learning. High performing teams use measurement and improvement techniques […]
READ MOREIgnore the customer at your own peril – Lessons from the Masters failure
There are business lessons from the failure of Masters. The strategy was wrong. By focusing on the competition, they ignored the customer. When you ignore the customer your fate is sealed. Woolworths/Masters ignored customer feedback and 63 stores will be no more. By focusing on “sucking the oxygen out of Bunnings” they delivered appalling customer experiences that will cost them up […]
READ MOREPM’O’Phobia (or: the fear of performance measurement)
Seems we experiencing an epidemic of people with a fear of performance measurement. If you see resistance in your organisation to using KPIs, then there might be a fear of measurement. Good performance management does not create fear. It is about setting a clear vision and direction on the results to be achieved. Then collaborating and […]
READ MOREMeasure the influence you have, and realise the benefits – lessons from the NBA
Focus on influence not control. By going beyond what the National Blood Authority (NBA) could control, and by focusing on what they have influence over, the NBA have delivered around $600m savings to government over the last six years. A great example of using results as the focal point and measuring progress. Background and context I […]
Let’s ban KPIs or perhaps more specifically, let’s ban how we are currently using KPIs. We use guess-work to identify KPIs, they don’t tell us what our priorities are, we fudge the numbers and confuse improvement goals with business-as-usual. This post was inspired by a friend who works in the field of customer analytics and […]
READ MOREYour targets are hurting your customers – lessons from Wells Fargo and Youi
The issue of how we use sales targets and KPIs has raised its ugly head again. Wells Fargo in the US blaming sales targets and sales managers for opening large numbers of false accounts, resulting in huge fines and mass sackings. The big issue though – they have lost the trust of their vast customer base. Also in Australia, Youi are allegedly caught […]
READ MOREKPIs and Dashboards for CPA
Business leaders often struggle with making KPIs meaningful and also how to make sense of their dashboards. KPIs have to be linked to strategy, the results we want to achieve. Dashboards have to be user friendly, which essentially means answering three questions (1) what is performance doing, (2) why, (3) and what now? The […]
READ MORECX and Design Group
CX or customer experience is important for all organisations today. Improving the experience of our customers comes from knowing what they value. Then designing the optimal process and then measuring performance so we can learn how to improve, The Brisbane Customer Experience and Design Thinking Group is a Meetup group with more than 1,000 members. […]
READ MORECompetition needs to be external, not internal.
For the sales and service leaders to maintain motivation and productivity, there is one key principle: competition needs to be external to the team. Competition and rivalry only belong in the marketplace, not within the sales or service team or teams. Competition of commonplace Sure, it is common practice for managers of sales and […]
READ MORELessons from Woolworths – customer focus and measure what matters
Leadership teams often give customer focus and learning from measures lip-service. Woolworth’s learned the hard way that ignoring customer feedback, neglecting your performance measurement framework and blaming staff was costly. Leaders need to use the measurement system as a listening post, and measure what matters, Over recent months there have been numerous articles about the […]