Most organisations put a lot of effort into creating strategic plans only to find that during the year their plans have become shelf-ware or lost somewhere in the bottom drawer. There is a pragmatic approach that ensures your strategy will stay fresh. Common Mistakes with Strategy There are a few common mistakes we […]
READ MOREWhich KPI Approaches Work?
KPIs are used extensively in all types of organisations. There are many KPI approaches, but only one method to develop and use KPIs. Let’s investigate how KPIs developed, how they are used and the various KPI approaches. As we do this we will see the short comings of popular KPI approaches and discover the performance […]
READ MOREThis is why we like inaccurate good news
Many organisations have a culture where inaccurate good news is preferred over accurate bad news. Leaders and organisations need to be comfortable with getting feedback from their performance measures and KPIs. Cultures that accept inaccurate good news do not learn how to continually improve performance. The Allure of Inaccurate Good News “Accurate bad […]
READ MOREGet performance improvement from your management framework
High performing teams gain performance improvement. They plan, act, learn and replan to realise performance improvement. They have a culture of learning, supported by having a performance measurement framework that provides feedback. Iterative and progressive improvement is achieved over many cycles of acting, measuring and learning. High performing teams use measurement and improvement techniques […]
READ MOREPM’O’Phobia (or: the fear of performance measurement)
Seems we experiencing an epidemic of people with a fear of performance measurement. If you see resistance in your organisation to using KPIs, then there might be a fear of measurement. Good performance management does not create fear. It is about setting a clear vision and direction on the results to be achieved. Then collaborating and […]
READ MOREMeasure the influence you have, and realise the benefits – lessons from the NBA
Focus on influence not control. By going beyond what the National Blood Authority (NBA) could control, and by focusing on what they have influence over, the NBA have delivered around $600m savings to government over the last six years. A great example of using results as the focal point and measuring progress. Background and context I […]
Let’s ban KPIs or perhaps more specifically, let’s ban how we are currently using KPIs. We use guess-work to identify KPIs, they don’t tell us what our priorities are, we fudge the numbers and confuse improvement goals with business-as-usual. This post was inspired by a friend who works in the field of customer analytics and […]
READ MOREReflections on the Leader’s Edge Luncheon with Greg Hywood
Fairfax Media is a 185 year old newspaper company, that over the last 6 (or so) years has transformed itself into diversified media business. So as well as The Age, the AFR and Sydney Morning Herald, now also think of Domain, Stan and RSVP, amongst others. Greg Hywood is the CEO and Managing Director of Fairfax Media. Greg presented at the […]
READ MOREYour targets are hurting your customers – lessons from Wells Fargo and Youi
The issue of how we use sales targets and KPIs has raised its ugly head again. Wells Fargo in the US blaming sales targets and sales managers for opening large numbers of false accounts, resulting in huge fines and mass sackings. The big issue though – they have lost the trust of their vast customer base. Also in Australia, Youi are allegedly caught […]
The CMO Momentum delivered heaps of insights for marketing teams on customer experience and the skills teams need now to remain relevant. Airbub, Suncorp and Nude by Nature shared case studies and examples about the new age of marketing and the growing need for the CMO to be customer centric. I was asked to […]